Discontinuing the Southwest Chief 3 and 4

Post date: Jul 8, 2018 3:52:40 PM

Subject: Fwd: Link to Anderson's 06/19 Presentation


I hope you can view "Link to Anderson's 06/19 Presentation" in which

Amtrak President Richard (delta Dick) Anderson outlines his plan for

discontinuing the Southwest Chief 3 and 4 between Albuquerque and La

Junta or Dodge City. This totally stinks. I encourage all union

affiliated railroad employees from Amtrak and BNSF to contact our U.S.

Senators and U.S. Representatives and ask them to oppose Delta Dick's

ludicrous proposal. We need to fight to save jobs on Amtrak and BNSF

that work the former Santa Fe Northern District. I suggest we

organize a group of us employees and meet with staffers at local

congressional offices from where our concerns would be passed on to

Washington, DC.

David Wiegand

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Charles Larrabee <clarrabee@aol.com>

Date: Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 12:14 PM

Subject: Link to Anderson's 06/19 Presentation

To: clarrabee@aol.com, etmessier@gmail.com, sadams1361@gmail.com, dmwjr@abq.com

Here's the link to the presentation Anderson gave on 06/19 to

Congressional and Senate leadership.


(I had trouble downloading the actual file).

-- Chuck